Recent News:

Trial Victory for Amy N. Gampico

Trial Victory for Jennifer Stauffer

Another Trial Win for Paul Gambone

Courts Differ on Similar Claims for Punitive Damages

Courts Differ on Similar Claims for Punitive Damages

In Wilson v. Matas, No. 10067 of 2020, C.A. (C.P. Lawrence Co. June 3, 2020, Moto, P.J.), the Court sustained Preliminary Objections to strike claims for punitive damages. After a rear-end motor vehicle accident, Defendant admitted to the police that she was not...
Another Recent Gallagher Decision

Another Recent Gallagher Decision

In the recent case of Donegal Mutual Insurance Company v. Krautsack, No. CI-19-04904 (C.P. Lancaster Co. Aug. 28, 2020), Court of Common Pleas Judge David Ashworth granted summary judgment to Devin Krautsack and denied Donegal’s cross-motion for summary...
Courts Differ on Similar Claims for Punitive Damages

“Wave-on Liability” Allowed to Proceed to Jury

In the case of McLaughlin v. Caban, No. 2017-CV-5303 (C.P. Lacka. Co. June 24, 2020 Gibbons, J.), the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County denied a Defendant driver’s motion for summary judgment in which she asserted that there was no causal connection...