Recent News:

Trial Victory for Amy N. Gampico

Trial Victory for Jennifer Stauffer

Another Trial Win for Paul Gambone

Superior Court Follows Eichelman and not Gallagher

Superior Court Follows Eichelman and not Gallagher

In Erie Insurance Exchange v. Mione, 2021 Pa. Super. 91 (2021), the Superior Court of Pennsylvania declined to follow Gallagher v. GEICO and upheld the validity of a household exclusion, in a limited circumstance. This decision was entered before the holding of...
Long Anticipated Donovan Decision

Long Anticipated Donovan Decision

On August 17, 2021, the long-awaited decision in Donovan v. State Farm was entered by the Supreme Court.  The Majority Opinion by Chief Justice Baer will have long-standing effects on the Pennsylvania insurance industry. The facts were stipulated.  In July...
Superior Court Follows Eichelman and not Gallagher

Summary Judgment Granted in Premises Liability Case

In Cappollella v. R & R Construction and Frank Fratarcangelli, et. al., the Monroe County Court (J. Williamson) granted Summary Judgment to each of three defendants in a premises liability case. The Motions were filed by two tenants and the property owner, each of...
Long Anticipated Donovan Decision

Regular Use Exclusion Upheld Yet Again

In the case of Shepherd v. Talotta, No. 2:20-CV-01046-CFK (USDC EDPA, April 22, 2021), Judge Kenney of the Eastern District Court upheld a regular use exclusion to underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) and rejected the Plaintiff’s public policy and Gallagher v....